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NMB MFI has made remarkable progress, increasing its net profit by 57.09 percent

NMB MFI has made remarkable progress, increasing its net profit by 57.09 percent

Net profit of NMB Microfinance has increased by 57.09% in the second quarter of the current Fiscal Year. The organization has managed to earn Rs. 77.08 million by increasing its net profit by 57.09% during the period. The company had earned a profit of Rs 49 million 67 thousand in the same period last year.
The net interest income and operating profit of such institutions have also increased. Net interest income increased by 53.66% to Rs. 211.52 million while operating profit increased by 153.15% to Rs. 121.982 million. NMB Microfinance’s non-performing loans increased by 1.83% to 4.65%. Earnings per share is Rs 28.56 and net worth per share is Rs 145.07.

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