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NRB announced the exchange rate of foreign currency

NRB announced the exchange rate of foreign currency


Nepal Rastra Bank has publicly announced the exchange rate of foreign currency for Thursday. According to the publicized exchange rate by the Rastra Bank, the buying rate of the US dollar is 132 rupees 81 paisa and the selling rate is 133 rupees 41 paisa.

Similarly, the buying rate of European Euro is 140 rupees 83 paisa and the selling rate is 141 rupees 47 paisa. The buying rate of British Pound is 163 rupees 20 paisa and the selling rate is 163 rupees 93 paisa, while the buying rate of Australian Dollar is 85.24 rupees.

The value of Qatari Riyal is 36 rupees 42 paisa and the Saudi Riyal is 35.41 rupees, as announced by the Rastra Bank. The exchange rates of other currencies are as follows:

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