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NEPSE index increased by 1.39 points

NEPSE index increased by 1.39 points


After the festival leave, the first day of trading at the share market has seen an increase in the NEPSE index. On Monday, the NEPSE index increased by 1.39 points and reach 1853.48 points.

A total of 33 lakh, 19 thousand, and 5 hundred 58 units of shares of 284 companies were traded, resulting in a business of over 1.9 billion shares. Today, the highest business has been done by Himalayan Distillery. The share business of this company is equivalent to 7 crore, 36 lakh, 25 thousand, 6 hundred 66 rupees, and 20 paisa.

Similarly, in Monday’s share market, the investors of Global IME Laghubitta Financial Institution have become wealthy. The share price of this company has increased by more than 9 percent.

And investors in the stock market have suffered the most losses in forward microfinance. The company’s share price has hit a negative circuit.

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