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Unnati Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha opens IPO applications

Unnati Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha opens IPO applications


Applications can be submitted for the IPO of Unnati Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha starting from today. The company has issued 30% of the general public’s capital structure in the IPO, and applications can be submitted from today (Kartik 21).

Previously, after the merger of Unnati Laghubitta and Sahakarya Laghubitta, the company’s capital structure was 75.45% of the founder group and 24.55% of the general public. The same capital was issued by the microfinance through the IPO, fulfilling 30% as per the Microfinance Institutions and Financial Institutions Act 2073, and 1,78,451.18 shares were issued at a price of 100 rupees per unit.

Applications can be submitted until Kartik 24 for the IPO issued by Microfinance. Siddharth Capital is the issuer for the issuance and sale of microfinance debentures. In the said IPO, applications can be submitted for a minimum of 10 units up to a maximum of 1,000 units. Credit rating company ICRA Nepal has provided ICRA NP Issuer Rating B Plus to the microfinance for the IPO issuance, indicating a high risk in the company’s financial liability capacity.

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