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Finance minister claims that the stock market has returned to normal

Finance minister claims that the stock market has returned to normal


Finance Minister Dr. Prakash Sharan Mahat has expressed that share market has returned to normal way. He said that he had a discussion with the communication staff at Bharatpur Airport, and the Finance Minister, Dr. Mahat, has expressed that market has returned to the normal way.

Not only that, the market has also improved, so the Finance Minister has also stated that the improvement of the country’s economy is certain. This is why the stock market and the real estate business are also said to be the mirrors of the economy. This is also the reason why the improved stock market and the real estate business will definitely improve the economy, according to the Finance Minister.

‘The stock market is improving; it is going up. The real estate business has also improved,’ said the Finance Minister. ‘This will definitely improve the country’s economy.’

Similarly, Finance Minister Mahat has also claimed that the economy is not in crisis, as has been seen. ‘The economy is in crisis; there are issues with investment,’ he said. ‘But it’s not like that. Even the facts show that the economy has improved. The investment environment is also good. There should be no negative effects after the negative rumors.’

In addition, Finance Minister Mahat has also stated that all indicators have remained positive due to the pace of improvement in the country’s economy and its positive impact on the stock market.

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