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Nepse index decreased by 1.93 points

Nepse index decreased by 1.93 points


The last day of the week, Friday, saw a decrease in the Nepse index. Compared to Wednesday, the Nepse index has decreased by 1.93 points, reaching 2068.90 points.

On Friday, a total of 303 companies traded 1,16,58,110 shares in the Nepse, resulting in a business of over 4.29 billion rupees.

Today, the highest business was also seen in Sonapur Minerals and Oil Limited. The company traded shares worth 14,38,37,365.40 rupees.

Similarly, on Friday’s share market, the investors of Lumbini Urja Company earned the highest profit. The share price of this company has hit a positive circuit.

Investors of Dhaulagiri Microfinance Financial Institution have suffered the most in the share market on Wednesday. The share price of this company has hit a negative circuit.


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