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NEPSE index has risen by 2.60 points

NEPSE index has risen by 2.60 points


The NEPSE index, which measures the share market, increased on Wednesday . Compared to Tuesday, the NEPSE index has risen by 2.60 points, reaching 1988.04 points.

On Wednesday, a total of 292 companies traded 1,20,95,503 shares, resulting in a share transaction of over 3 billion and 90 crores. Today, the highest business was done by Sonapur Minerals and Oil Limited. This company has conducted a share transaction worth 14,67,93,156 rupees and 30 paisa.

Similarly, on Wednesday’s share market, the highest profit was made by the investors of Bottlers Nepal (Balaju) Limited. The share price of this company has hit a positive circuit.

On Wednesday, investors in the share market suffered the most losses in Khutheli Bukhari Small Hydropower. The share price of this company has decreased by more than 5 percent.

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