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NEPSE index increased by 10.37 points

NEPSE index increased by 10.37 points


On the first day of the week, Sunday, the share market index NEPSE increased. NEPSE index has increased by 10.37 points, reaching 2094.46 points.

When a total of 306 companies buy and sell 1 crore 7 lakh 51 thousand 164 shares in NEPSE, the share market business exceeds 3 billion 83 crore.

Today, Himalayan Reinsurance Limited has the highest business. This company has a share of business equivalent to 33 crore, 53 lakh, 45 thousand, 87 rupees, and 80 paisa.

Similarly, investors in Mid-Solu Hydro Power earned the most profit in the share market on Sunday. The share price of this company has hit a positive circuit.

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