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NEPSE index increased by 14.88 points

NEPSE index increased by 14.88 points


On tha third day of the week,tuesday,tha share market index NEPSE increased. NEPSE index has increased by 14.88 points,reaching 2119.61 points.

When atotal of 308 companies buy abd sell  1 crore 51 lakh 78 thousand 368 shares in NEPSE, the share market business exceeds 5 billion crores.

Today, Himalayan Reinsurance Limited has the highest business. This company has a share of business equivalent to 75 crore, 27 lakh, 86 thousand, 9 rupees.

Similarly,  investors inChandragiri Hills, Samaj Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha, and Rawa Energy Development earned the most profit in the share market on Tuesday . The share prices of these companies have hit a positive circuit.

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