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Sarbottam Cement opened an IPO Sale for the General Public

Sarbottam Cement opened an IPO Sale for the General Public


Sarbottam Cement has opened the primary share (IPO) sale for the general public. The company issued an IPO for the general public on February 26 (Sunday) using the book-building method.

The company has issued 60 million shares worth Rs. 12.90 percent to the general public. In the IPO issued by the company for the local residents of the affected areas earlier, a total of 2.76 million shares have been released, including 6 lakh, 81 thousand, and 530 units not applied for.

IPO issued by the company, investors will have to apply at the rate of Rs. 360.90 per unit. In this case, investors will have to apply for a minimum of 50 units to a maximum of 10,000 units. Applications can be submitted for the company’s IPO from February 16 to February 27 quickly and until March 2 slowly.

Optimum Cement has provided ‘ICRA Nepal Insurance Rating Triple B’ for the IPO issuance. This shows that the company has a medium financial capacity to meet its obligations.

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