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Nabil Stock Dealer Limited Commemorates Global Money Week 2024

Nabil Stock Dealer Limited Commemorates Global Money Week 2024


Nabil Stock Dealer Limited proudly announced its participation in Global Money Week 2024 at the College of Business Management, Dillibazar, offering invaluable insights into share market fundamentals and an exclusive “Visit Stock Dealer Program” for undergraduate students.

Global Money Week is an annual worldwide celebration held in March focused on promoting financial education and literacy among young individuals. As part of this initiative, a special event was hosted for 70 undergraduate students from the College of Business Management on March 19, 2024. The program was facilitated by Mr. Ritesh Adhikari, Executive, Business Development/Marketing.

The event provided students with a comprehensive understanding of share market fundamentals, covering essential concepts, investment strategies, and market analysis. Leading industry experts conducted interactive sessions and workshops, enriching students’ knowledge of the stock market’s dynamics.

Additionally, a select group of students participated in the exclusive “Visit Stock Dealer Program” on March 20, 2024. This program offered hands-on experience in stock dealer operations, market trend analysis, and investment decision-making, equipping students with valuable skills crucial for their future careers in finance and business.

The initiative aimed to empower the next generation of business leaders and investors by engaging them in practical activities like the Stock Dealer Program and providing insights into the financial realm.

Let us join hands in celebrating Global Money Week 2024 and inspiring a new generation of financially literate individuals. 

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