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NEPSE Index Dips by 70.31 Points, Sonapur Minerals Leads in Transactions

NEPSE Index Dips by 70.31 Points, Sonapur Minerals Leads in Transactions


A correction of 70.31 points was seen in the share market. As compared to Monday, the NEPSE index has decreased by 70.31 points and reached 7.69 points.

A total of 316 companies have engaged in share buying and selling transactions totaling more than 4 billion 11 crore.

Today, the highest business has been done by Sonapur Minerals and Oil Limited. This company has a share transaction of 41 crore, 91 lakh, 22 thousand, 7 hundred, 35 rupees, and 40 paisa.

Similarly, in today’s share market, investors in microfinance and financial institutions have earned the highest profits. The share prices of these companies have increased by more than 8 percent.

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