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Top Contenders Revealed: Final Five Candidates Vying for CEO Position at Rastriya Banijya Bank

Top Contenders Revealed: Final Five Candidates Vying for CEO Position at Rastriya Banijya Bank


The names of five people have been shortlisted for the position of CEO of Rastriya Banijya Bank.

Among those shortlisted are Krishna Bahadur Adhikari, Devendra Raman Khanal, Prakashchandra Adhikari, Bishnu Dev Yadav, and Shankar Kc. The shortlisted candidates will be presenting themselves for orientation and interviews at the bank’s central office on jestha 9.

It is likely that either Adhikari or Khanal will be chosen as the new CEO, as they both have the necessary skills and experience. The current Finance Minister is also considering individuals close to the party to run the institution.

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